In today’s digital world it’s tempting to think that all your insurance needs can be sorted quickly and cheaply online. That may be the case if you have simple insurance requirements and know exactly what you need, but insurance can be complicated. What applies to your business one day may change the next, and this could mean being under or over-insured.
As a business, it’s important to have someone by your side to help decide what cover you can’t do without and what level of cover you need. There are a number of reasons why speaking to Aon can benefit your business.
Chasing payments. Dealing with supply chains. Finding new customers. With so many demands on your time insurance may not be a priority. But your hard work in growing your business is at risk if cover is not at the right level.
That’s where the expertise of a broker is invaluable. With a broker by your side, you can rest assured that your insurance is keeping you protected.
Buying insurance can be confusing and is often influenced by things like hard and soft markets. But what does that mean?
Many businesses have been feeling the effects of a hard insurance market over recent years. 43% have seen premiums go up and 32% have noticed some insurances not being offered at all. 1
A good broker will use their knowledge of market conditions to present your business to insurers in the most effective way, allowing them to make clear decisions based on your individual risks.
Lengthy policy documents, technical underwriting criteria, off-the shelf products not fit for your needs. These are some of the things that can make it difficult to know if what you’re buying meets your needs and doesn’t put you at risk. That’s when expert advice becomes invaluable, to understand the nuances and complexity, and to give you peace of mind.
Using a broker like Aon helps you navigate difficult decisions and saves you a lot of leg work. A broker can look after your interests, negotiating with insurers from a position of knowledge and expertise, to find you the right cover at the best possible price.
Aon is a global broker with a local approach. We offer businesses a wide range of tailored solutions, from business continuity to reputational damage and the impact of new technology, all to ensure your business can continue to grow and fulfil its potential.
We’re committed to helping shape better decisions and our personalised service, across all UK regions, means there’s an Aon broker near you. They can provide the support you need to make your business journey as smooth as possible.
Speak to our specialist team today on 03330 603 867
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